About Mexican food and "helicopter escape training"

20 years of Primus Line: Foreman Christian Pollak remembers international assignments

Personal details:

Christian Pollak has been an important contributor to the "Primus Line" project from the very beginning and has been working for the Werner Rädlinger Group for over 30 years. He was significantly involved in the design of the optimal installation process. As a foreman, he has already ensured a smooth process in countless measures around the globe.

"For Primus Line, I spent a long time on construction sites all over the world - of course, every project is unique. Working in Siberia at almost minus 50 degrees is very different from working in Southern Italy. Nevertheless, it's not the difficulties or problems during installation that I remember most. It's the special circumstances, the people and the little things that you remember fondly.

For one project, for example, I had to do a "helicopter underwater escape training" in advance - which was then not approved at the destination. So I did the same training again on site! Escaping under water from a crashed helicopter is therefore no problem for me, even if I hope that I will never need to do it in an emergency.

I have a special memory of Mexico: We were in the middle of the jungle rehabilitating an oil pipeline. And there, far away from everything, there was incredible Mexican food, cooked on the side of the road in "mama kitchens" - really incredible.

In the meantime, I no longer travel abroad - certified partner companies take care of the installation there. But I continue to install Primus Line® with my team in the D-A-CH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). Even though the journey is shorter now, I miss the foreign assignments a bit. Fortunately, it never gets boring with Primus Line."


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