
  • Core made of seamlessly wovend Kevlar® fabric
  • The burst pressure of the flexible pipe is at least 2.5 times higher than the allowable operating pressure
  • No hot works – welding or butt fusion welding – or work with hazardous material on site
  • Continuously monitored production process

Cost advantage

  • Completely reusable
  • Small storage requirements
  • Transport of up to four kilometres on one single transport spool/lorry
  • Minimal mobilisation and demobilisation costs, reduced manpower
  • Easy unrolling and rolling up



  • 1,000 metres and more available as one continuous length
  • Limited connection points = less weak points
  • Fast installation - up to 12 times faster compared to HDPE
  • Laying up to six kilometres per day
  • Flexible – adapts naturally to the surface
  • Lightweight: 2.5 to 6.1 kilograms per metre

Environmentally orientated

  • Waste reduction due to reusability
  • No heavy equipment
  • Eliminating CO2 emissions by heavy lorries during operation for the transport of liquids
  • Installation in sensitive environments like nature reserves or bodies of water is possible with minimal environmental impact
  • We also pay attention to sustainability as a company

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