Accreditation Training with BetterLineUp

As its population is largely concentrated in urban areas such as Seoul Metropolitan Area “Sudogwon” with more than 25 million residents, South Korea offers significant potential for trenchless technologies.

Therefore, Primus Line decided to step into this market by cooperating with the Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KGCCI) in order to identify possible business partners. This cooperation featured a personal component as Business Development Manager Simon Richtmann worked for the chamber just a few years earlier.

BetterLineUp from Daejeon – a city with 1.5 million inhabitants located in the centre of Korea – had already been active in trenchless pipe rehabilitation for several years and was therefore recommended to Primus Line by the KGCCI. As a result of subsequent discussions, BetterLineUp decided to invest in the materials for an accreditation training and thus became Primus Line’s first official partner company in South Korea.

In order to conduct the training, Lead Pipeline Engineer Robert Goletz and Simon Richtmann travelled to Daejeon in February 2021. The two-days event structured into theory and practice included all steps and technical aspects necessary for the installation process. With the training completed, BetterLineUp is now the first Korean company capable of installing the Primus Line® system.

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