Behind the scenes – Product design includes more than mere construction

Martina Bauer - The Technical Product Designer is working in the team for Development & Construction and already passed her vocational training at Rädlinger. In this interview, she tells us why she is so fond of the product Primus Line® and that her field of activity meanwhile includes more than mere construction.

Flat hierarchies and short coordination paths enable the reliable order processing that excels Primus Line®. Our sales colleagues maintain close contact to you as our partners and customers. Therefore, you know them very well. But also behind the scenes, many employees work for the smooth progression of your projects. This begins with the development and production of our products and ends with shipping or installation. This series will portrait those people in the background who contribute with plenty of know-how and dedication to a solid team performance.

This time, Technical Product Designer Martina Bauer reveals that her field of activity exceeds mere construction by far and that process planning at Primus Line is real teamwork.


Martina, how long have you been working for Primus Line?

I already passed my vocational training as a Technical Product Designer at Rädlinger Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH. While still in training, I changed to Primus Line where I have been working in the Development & Construction team for five years now.

What are your tasks as Technical Product Designer at Primus Line?

During process planning, I create for example the approval drawings for the connectors in the Primus Line projects. Our Sales Department passes these drawings on to the customers and after their approval, it is again my colleague and me who release the drawings for production. Manufacturing can be made internally or by an external service provider. Therefore, a production release always triggers an order via the Purchase Department. As for the production orders themselves, we supervise them, check the welding seams and the material as such and my colleague finally also participates in quality assurance.

You have just said „for example“. Are there yet other activities in process planning in which you are involved?

Except from the approval drawings, my colleague and I also check the parts lists for our orders, complement them if necessary and release them for our logistics warehouse when they are complete. The connectors and the corresponding material will then be prepared and packed there for dispatch to the customers.

Moreover, we maintain the article master data in the new system for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) that was introduced last year: We take care that all necessary data such as sizes and weights as well as the required documentation are available.

Sounds like much detail work …

That’s true. And documentation accompanies me from article registration to project completion. After finalisation of the Primus Line® installation, the customer will receive comprehensive documents for the measures performed: starting with technical details on the materials used up to the already mentioned drawings.

Many documents and/or proofs are also necessary for customs clearance.

Which role do you play in customs clearance?

I prepare the manufacturing proofs of our products and other documents required for the movement certificate EUR.1 for customs clearance. Moreover, I settle the respective customs tariff numbers in coordination with the customs.

So your field of activity is very diversified?

Exactly. No day is like the other, there are time and again new and exciting tasks. But our team is experienced, cohesion is strong and we can rely on each other. We always master challenges together.

What fascinates you particularly about the product Primus Line®?

I fully support this product: It is innovative and versatile. It can be installed underwater as well as underground without having to create trenches. It can also be used as by-pass overland to maintain water supply in emergency cases. That’s because Primus Line® can be installed so fast.

Moreover, Primus Line® has experienced rapid development since I’ve joined: The fields of application are continuously expanding and new markets are opened. And furthermore, we act globally, have meanwhile four branches abroad. Unbelievable! I’m curious about how this will go on.

And so are we! Thank you very much for this conversation, Martina.

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