The drinking water pipeline DN 200 to be rehabilitated made of cast iron and with an operating pressure of around five bar runs from the municipal utilities in Cham across the company grounds of a car dealership, crosses railway tracks as well as a busy street and ends on the open air swimming pool site.
Due to leaks, the municipal utilities had already taken a part of the more than 60 year old pipeline out of service. In order to be able to re-use it, a section with a total of 260 metres has now been rehabilitated with the trenchless Primus Line® system. However, not much of the renovation was visible above ground: The Primus Line® system was pulled in via just two construction pits at the beginning and the end of the section to be rehabilitated. The starting pit was located on the open air swimming pool site near the river Regen, the destination pit on the grounds of the municipal utilities.
For the civil engineering, Rädlinger primus line GmbH brought another local company aboard: Johann Wutz Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH took care of excavating and securing the construction pits. In the starting pit in the open air swimming pool site, for example, the Wutz GmbH team had to install sheet pile walls due to the proximity to the Regen in order to prevent possible groundwater infiltration.
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