IFAT Munich 2022 – a successful appearance

IFAT returned with a bang after a four-year break: our stand was consistently well attended right from the opening day.

„After this long period without exhibitions, we did not know exactly how IFAT would go – but we did not expect this success,” Peter Lischewski, Managing Director of Rädlinger primus line GmbH, sums up after five eventful exhibition days.

The new booth concept with a miniature construction site and many exhibits to touch was well received by the guests: The haptic experience immediately led to points of contact for intensive discussions – in some cases also for concrete projects. The “audience” was a colourful mix: Long-term partners, satisfied customers as well as new interested parties came to the Primus Line stand. The professionally experienced, large exhibition team was able to answer detailed questions during the discussions. "Sometimes we did not have to explain anything more about the product because our customers told other stand visitors about their positive experiences with Primus Line®", Peter Lischewski is pleased to say.

The exciting and successful exhibition days were completed by a partner event with participants from 15 different nations. Customers from almost every corner of the world came together to eat and celebrate as part of a beer tour.

In addition, some of the installation partners took the opportunity to visit the Primus Line locations in and around Cham as part of their stay in Munich.

Peter Lischewski is enthusiastic: "All these moments and impressions make this very good week at the fair a perfect one!"

Thanks to everyone who prepared this event and accompanied it on site. We could not have wished for a nicer return after the long break.

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