Instead of customer gifts: Rädlinger primus line GmbH donates to KUNO


With its system for trenchless pressure pipe rehabilitation, Rädlinger primus line GmbH is present worldwide: There are already installations in more than 50 countries. Instead of sending presents to partners all over the world, this year the management decided to make a Christmas donation to the Kinder UNiklinik Ostbayern (= Children’s University Hospital for Eastern Bavaria, KUNO).

Despite all its internationality, Rädlinger primus line GmbH from Windischbergerdorf near Cham has deep roots in its home region. "That is why we would like our Christmas donation to benefit a regional institution. Our choice quickly fell on KUNO. Their commitment is very close to our hearts," Werner Rädlinger, Managing Director of Rädlinger primus line GmbH, explains the decision.

In recent years, the KUNO Foundation has built up a children's university clinic in Regensburg, which enables young patients to receive top medical care close to home. "With the donations we finance services in paediatric and adolescent medicine in our hospitals that are not covered by the health insurance companies," explains KUNO Foundation Chairman Professor Hugo Segerer. "These can also be small things. And for that, every euro counts." In the run-up to Christmas, one such little thing is handicraft materials to turn the windows of the children's clinic into a sea of stars.

“With our donation, we would like to make a contribution to easing the usually lengthy hospital stay for the sick children and their families,” substantiates Peter Lischewski, second Managing Director of Rädlinger primus line GmbH.

Werner Rädlinger and Peter Lischewski presented the donation cheque of 5,000 euros to Professor Segerer. The handover took place on 12 December in front of the KUNO building on the grounds of the University Hospital in Regensburg.

© Photo: Cornelia Brockard

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