More space for Primus Liners – New halls in Chammünster

They should be ready for occupancy by the end of 2022: Behind the existing logistics centre in Chammünster, three new halls are currently growing up in the air. With a good 14 metres, they are slightly lower than the existing buildings. Two of the halls will cover an area of 108 metres in length and 28 metres in width. The third hall is just as wide, but "only" 72 metres long.

Due to the good capacity utilisation at the production site of Rädlinger primus line GmbH in Weiding, more storage and packaging space is necessary for the pipe liners that are coiled on drums and weigh up to 17 tons. The new halls therefore also serve to expand the logistics centre. From there, the Primus Line® system for trenchless rehabilitation of pressure pipelines leaves for spots all over the world.

The Werner Rädlinger Group to which Rädlinger primus line GmbH belongs, is investing ten million Euros into the new buildings.

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