New location for our Chinese subsidiary

Primus Line commenced its operations in China in 2019. First establishing a sales office in Shanghai. Now Primus Line is taking the next step: At the end of 2021, the branch moved into new premises in Inno Park (YiLe KeChuangYuan) belonging to Shanghai Xinzhuang Industry Park.

An area of 370 m2 offers sufficient space for various functional areas, such as

  • an office section with workstations for six people
  • a meeting room for up to 20 people and
  • an engineering workshop

    Next step for a successful future

    The Chinese subsidiary is thus well positioned for a successful future. The engineering workshop in particular offers great advantages to our local partners, because here we can give seminars, training courses and realise other activities such as customer or information events in a professional and well-organised manner. In addition to demo and training equipment, the engineering workshop also holds various liners and connectors that can be made available quickly to our customers and partners for urgent assignments.

      Contact for our customers and partners in China

      First training at the new location

      The official inauguration ceremony of the new location unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the current pandemic situation. Nevertheless, the first interested customers and potential partners from the region were able to get an impression of the new premises at a technical seminar. The aim of the seminar was to improve their understanding of the Primus Line products and their wide range of applications. We look forward to continuing the cooperation with many participants.

      Our training offer for (potential) partners

      Our (potential) partners are prepared for the use of Primus Line technology in a two-day training. The training includes a theoretical and a practical part. In the latter, the concrete installation with the corresponding equipment is explained and practised. All participants receive a certificate that entitles them to realise a project with Primus Line® and to hand over the corresponding guarantee to the end customer. A Primus Line supervisor supports the new partner in his first project and monitors the proper implementation on site.

      Are you interested in a training course or would you like to become part of our worldwide partner network?

      Contact us here

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