Peter Lischewski becomes new Managing Director

New man for new processes: Peter Lischewski wants Primus Line to grow further.

Shortly before the end of the year, the Rädlinger team has received further reinforcement at the top: Peter Lischewski has joined Rädlinger primus line GmbH as the new managing director.

The first contact between him and Werner Rädlinger already took place a few years ago. The right opportunity for cooperation arose this year: "I last worked for Düker GmbH to reorganise the foundries together with the management team. A project that was planned from the beginning to last about three years, which is why I started looking for a new job in spring 2021," Peter Lischewski tells us. At that time, he knew not only Werner Rädlinger, but also the Primus Line® product. And in the company, the course was set for the next step.

„My task will be to raise the existing potentials. We have to define sustainable processes to organise the further growth of Primus Line.“

Until the end of 2021, he intends to familiarise intensively with the company and the market mechanisms. "From this we will derive a strategy for the company, which we will then implement as a team," says the 47-year-old, looking into the future.


The team concept is at Peter Lischewski’s top of the list, who consciously took the path towards management responsibility already during his study period: "I was welcomed here very openly and see colleagues who are burning for the product right from the start. This is a very good basis for further and long-term success."


Peter Lischewski is married to a Mexican woman whom he met during a three-year stay in Mexico. The couple has a twelve-year-old daughter and lives in Jena.

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