Primus Line appoints Heiko Manzke as Pressure Pipe Rehabilitation Specialist

Exciting news for the Australian and New Zealand water sector: Primus Line is ap-pointing Heiko Manzke as Pressure Pipe Rehabilitation Specialist based in Australia to service the ANZ region.

Primus Line has now completed over 14 projects in both New Zealand and Australia. Heiko’s primary objective is to work with engineering consultants, contractors, industry and utilities on well-engineered outcomes that extend the life of critical pressure pipe assets through trenchless technology. 

Heiko who holds an engineering degree from Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences worked with Primus Line in Germany for more than five years and has a solid background in pressure pipe rehabilitation. He collaborated with European utilities on the rehabilitation of critical assets with a high consequence of failure. Furthermore, he cooperated with industrial companies, refineries, and chemical plants on the renewal of pressure pipes such as cooling water pipes, fire water mains, and gas pipelines.

Primus Line® is rapidly gaining a solid reputation as an innovative trenchless technology across the globe and as a long-term solution for extending the life of critical pressure pipes. The Primus Line® system is now also referenced in EN ISO 11295:2018 and holds numerous international potable water certifications including the AS/NZS 4020:2005. 

Heiko will be working on increasing the industry’s knowledge of this trenchless technology and provide technical support for designing and executing pressure pipe rehabilitation projects. He can be contacted on +61 7 31815721 or via email at [email protected].

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