Primus Line® launch in Malaysia with official state support

Ageing infrastructure with leaking water pipelines constitutes a challenge all over the world. Malaysia is no exception. To tackle the tasks, the Malaysian government has developed an ecological sustainability plan, intending to reduce non-revenue water (NRW) from 35 % to 20 % by 2030. In order to achieve their goals, they are looking for appropriate technologies. Such as Primus Line®.

Primus Line® was launched on the Malaysian market in an official ceremony supported by the Ministry for Water and Environment (KASA) as well as the Malaysia Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC), government regulatory agencies, CEOs of state water authorities and local media. The Deputy Minister for Water and Environment, Datuk Mansor Othman, is convinced: “This technology can overcome environmental problems and be the solution for non-revenue water.” He also pointed out that the targets set out in the ecological sustainability plan – modernisation of the national water infrastructure, improved efficiency of water treatment and restoration of leaking water pipelines by using green technologies – can only be attained by the close interaction of all parties of the ministries, regional governments, water utilities and technology suppliers.

This event provided the perfect setting for MGTC and Primus Line’s Malaysian installation partner PL Tech Sdn Bhd to sign a Memorandum of Understanding.

Primus Line® has already been approved by the Malaysian water association SPAN for potable water applications.

Rädlinger primus line GmbH is delighted to support Malaysia with their NRW reduction goals and we are looking forward to our first project later in 2022.

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