Quality matters – in product as well as in installation service issues

Primus Line® is a high-quality product on which all our global clients can rely. Since the beginning of our global success story, we at Primus Line have put a lot of efforts in the education and training of our installation partners. All skills and experience of our own national installation crews are intended to also be handed over to our installation partners when they become part of the global “Primus Line family”. With this intention, more than 550 attendees were trained at our facilities in Germany.

Caused by the global travel restrictions and uncertainties at the beginning of 2020, we had the vision to keep our high-quality training even during this worldwide pandemic situation. The idea of a semi-virtual installer’s training was born. 

The technical Primus Line department in combination with marketing developed training videos detailing every single step of a Primus Line® installation. These videos create the first basis for the training. The second component is sending training material and installation equipment to the facilities of the new installation partner. The last but not least puzzle piece is to have one of our well experienced employees on site during training. For the very first semi-virtual training which took place in the United States, this was the Director of Sales for the USA, John Moody.

Over a period of three days, Robert Goletz, Primus Line Lead Pipeline Engineer and Head of Global CSP certification, as well as the Vice President of the US entity, Andreas Fleischmann, were present through videoconferencing applications to execute theoretical training as well as to directly answer all upcoming questions.

After these three days of hands-on training, the participants successfully passed a written test and therefore are eligible to be listed as fully certified Primus Line installers.

We welcome to the Primus Line family: DMSI Inc. and ManCon Inc from Florida!

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