Safe water supply and irrigation in Mexico

To keep the greens really green, irrigation is indispensable for golf courses. A Mexican golf club which also offers regular water supply to its members, therefore relied on Primus Line® as a quick and easy-to-install solution for the rehabilitation of its transmission pipeline.

Monterrey City is the second major metropolitan area located in the north-eastern part of the Estados Unidos Mexicanos in the federal state of Nuevo León. Monterrey is one of Mexico’s most important industrial regions and visited tourist destination as well. Therefore, great value is attached to water supply. The Club Campestre Monterrey operates its own transmission water network. The club originates from a group of visionary Monterrey businessmen: In 1943, they set the goal of building a golf club which was finally established on 1 February 1951 under its present name. Thus, the club contributed to the beginning of the infrastructural development in the municipality of San Pedro Garza García.

The transmission pipelines deliver water to the club members and for the irrigation of a large golf course facility in the summer. Some of the aged pipelines, however, especially those made of cast iron, showed recent failures. This incited the Club Campestre to take proactive measures to rehabilitate one of its main pipelines. This particular pipeline runs through a developed business area and a high-traffic avenue. This was the reason why the Club Campestre was looking for a trenchless solution with very minimal disruption for the environment, the business area and the community.

This rehabilitation project being a predestined case for Primus Line®, engineering partner ESG-Novadren introduced the system as a valuable and cost-effective solution to the Club Campestre. The trenchless rehabilitation technology with its seamless, flexible aramid-reinforced high-pressure liner convinced with the following features:

  • Fast installation speed
  • Minimal invasive footprint
  • Low disturbance of the surrounding residential life during the construction phase
  • Ability to be installed through 45-degree bends

So the Primus Line® system was finally considered the best option for rehabilitation. In this case, a Primus Liner DN 200 (low pressure) with a MOP of 18 bar is used. Since the technology leaves an annular space to achieve long insertion lengths and negotiate bends, the liner provides an actual outer diameter of 183 millimetres and inner diameter of 171 millimetres. According to the calculation of Primus Line’s technical department, the pressure rating of the system through the 45-degree bends amounts to 10.2 bar and thus is capable of accommodating the maximum operating pressure of 2 bar along the entire pipe route.

Prior to the arrival of the Primus Line supervisor on site, the trained personnel of ESG-Novadren prepared the construction site and cleaned the DN 200 cast iron lines with pull-through rubber pigs. Afterwards, a CCTV camera inspection was performed and the free inner diameter of the host pipe was confirmed by pulling through a calibration pig. On the first morning, the initial section (625 metres) was inserted and the two connectors were mounted. On the following days, the drum and the tools were moved to the start of the subsequent sections and the liner was inserted using a pulling winch. Each end of these sections – 550 metres with two 45-degree bends, 63 metres, 870 metres and 180 metres – was equipped with two termination fittings to guarantee a durable and force-fit connection. The respective final step for each section was the pressure test. Subsequent to the successful pressure tests of the entire rehabilitation length of 2,288 metres, the pipe was reconnected to the golf course irrigation network and the pits could be closed after 10 days.

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