Take a look: Our new image film is out

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A modern high-end product deserves a modern high-end image film – this was the benchmark when the shooting for a new Primus Line film started in summer. The new image film shows the strengths of the Primus Line® system. Always following the yellow thread (this refers to the yellow aramid fibre from which the core of the Primus Liner is made), the entire production process up to the installation of the finished liner can be tracked.

The film was not only shot at the German locations in Cham, Weiding and Chammünster, i.e. in the administration building, production and logistics centre, but also in the field in Birkenfeld in Baden-Württemberg. High-quality animations and shots from international locations complement the scenes. The film was anew produced by the agency BewegterBlick, which has already realised several film projects for the Werner Rädlinger Group.

We are happy to make the image film available to our partner companies for marketing purposes.

Click here for the image film

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