The new sales normal during the global pandemic – experienced by John Moody

Day 453 of the global pandemic … As the world went into lockdown, Primus Line North America rose to the occasion in many ways. We quickly realized that infrastructure would not stop aging, breaking, or failing and the world would still need Primus Line® technology at the ready.

Our existing remote network across the United States and Canada allowed us to easily transition into the work-from-home environment that the entire world found itself facing. This allowed the Primus Line team to maintain communication with municipalities, consulting engineers, and installers, and were able to transition from Lunch & Learns to webinars, cold calls to LinkedIn invites, and trade show booths to trade show chatrooms.

In March of 2020, the first adjustment due to the pandemic was canceling scheduled Lunch & Learns and in-person meetings. Many municipalities and consulting firms regrouped for a short while, and worked on solutions for communicating within their organizations, and with external providers. During that time, Primus Line let our clients know that we could facilitate meetings virtually, and meet their needs accordingly. Luckily, when Zoom and Microsoft Teams video chatting came onto the scene, many customers were eager to video chat, as it would mean seeing someone’s face that was not part of their quarantine unit. Having three others in my household, I myself found that the Zoom platform and Microsoft Teams made it so that the quarantine that everyone was in did not feel so small. With exposure to webinars and virtual meetings because of the national sales team in place, Primus Line North America got right into the swing of things after clients adjusted to the work-from-home environment, and held daily webinars with customers all across the US and Canada. We quickly discovered much of the same could be accomplished and we could cover more ground. This tool and platform became a workforce multiplier.

Utilizing LinkedIn was always part of our team’s practice, however, we found that refocusing our efforts to introduce ourselves as a team and company via LinkedIn was vital to reaching new clients in the marketplace. Many first points of contact with customers on LinkedIn led to projects. Connecting via the LinkedIn Network and creating content for customers to interact with was a great way to increase brand awareness for Primus Line and we will continue to use it in this way going forward.

The biggest change for me personally was stoppage of trade shows and travel. I went from seventy percent to about fifteen percent of my time spent on the road. In-person meetings, attending installations, and trade shows all ceased with the exception of critical installations. It was a major change to go from the atmosphere of a trade show to manning a chatroom in front of my computer, however, many organizations like CA-NV AWWA made the virtual trade shows interesting by having caption contests and online auctions. While they were not our biggest source of opportunity, it was a great experience overall. Primus Line (and myself) was ready as soon as protocols were in place to continue installations and conduct training courses for new installers. Our team adapted and used social distancing, PPE and copious amounts of hand sanitizer to allow on-site work to continue.

I am incredibly proud of my team, that was able to work from Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Ohio, South Carolina, California, and all of Canada throughout this pandemic. They all worked together to come up with adaptive solutions, and generated sales opportunities in the face of a global pandemic, where for a while, the whole world was uncertain of a way forward. This team forged ahead, and I thank them for all of their hard work during this time, balancing working from home, dealing with new background noise such as barking dogs, crying babies and meandering quarantine companions, and worrying about having enough toilet paper and cleaning products. We are looking forward to a world outside of a pandemic, we are stronger than ever as a team, as brand, and ready to get back out there to celebrate our 20th anniversary in style.

john moody | director of sales, north americA at primus line

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