Upgrade your pressure pipeline!

Long or short insertion lengths, low or high pressure ratings, a wide variety of media to be transported, routes with or without bends – the Primus Line® technology for the trenchless rehabilitation of pressure pipelines is suitable for numerous cases of application. Rädlinger primus line GmbH will show their differentiated product portfolio at their booth at RO-KA-TECH. The solutions are tailored for customers from the water, oil and gas sectors.

In any case, a rehabilitation with Primus Line® is an upgrade:

For the pipeline itself

Primus Line® extends the service life of the rehabilitated pipeline by at least 50 years, absorbs the internal pressure completely, can turn around bends thanks to its flexibility and allows – where desired – a targeted diameter reduction or an increase in the pressure rating.

For the environment

As a trenchless system, Primus Line® requires only small excavations. Low deployment of machinery, minimal interventions in the surroundings, short installation times and quick recommissioning protect the environment.

Focus: Applications in the water sector

The Primus Line® technology has been applied in more than 1,500 projects worldwide, most of them in the water sector. Primus Line® is approved in more than 20 countries around the globe for drinking water applications. A higher risk than defective drinking water pipes, however, pose leaking sewer rising mains. Escaping sewage pollutes the environment and can result in considerable follow-up costs. For this reason, the information and advice on offer at RO-KA-TECH is also aimed specifically at operators of wastewater systems. In the event of rehabilitation, sewer rising mains are usually difficult to be shut down and only for a short time. A trenchless pipe rehabilitation system such as Primus Line® is therefore a precisely fitting and durable solution.

Touching welcome

As at the last major exhibition last year, the haptic experience of the products plays a central role at the Primus Line booth. Touching is expressly allowed. A demo construction site also shows the audience how liner insertion works.

The exhibition team is looking forward to seeing customers again and to a lively exchange with them. The technical experts and regional contacts are also happy to discuss upcoming rehabilitation projects or application scenarios for the individual upgrade.

Primus Line at RO-KA-TECH: Hall 8 – 9, booth number H8/C02

Learn more

Whether beneath a bridge, a river, in a nature reserve, on an industrial site or, as here, under the access road to a train station in Denmark: The Primus Liner is appropriate for varied fields of application.

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