DN 400 AC and steel pipe

Macao Water leads the way with innovation





Application area


Line type

Water main




The water main runs underneath a main highway in one of the busiest locations in Macao. Traditional excavation would not only be time-consuming, but also environmentally sensitive. The area is also a popular location for tourists with listed buildings and the iconic Lisboa Casino. The original host pipeline required extensive cleaning to prevent any risk of failure. The client decided to preventively renovate the main using the Primus Line® system.

Special features

Condition of the main

Actual condition of the main was uncertain because of its limited accessibility

Technical details

Material of host pipe

Asbestos cement (AC) and steel pipe

Diameter of host pipe

DN 400

Transported fluid

Potable water

Operating pressure

6 bar

Total length

35 m

Number of sections

1 installation section

Number of bends

8 bends of up to 45°

Installation time

1 day

Why Primus Line®?

Short installation time

Macao has one of the most densely populated inner city areas. The permit to work requires strict adherence to shorter working times and environmental protection.

Small footprint

After careful consideration, Primus Line® was the chosen application: The smaller footprint, speed of installation allowed the client to return the system to full service within a short period of time.

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