With best wishes for 2024!

Once again this year, Rädlinger primus line GmbH is supporting the the Children’s University Hospital for Eastern Bavaria (KUNO) with a donation. The company would like to thank all its business partners and the entire Primus Line family for the past year.

The KUNO Foundation’s mission is to improve medical care in the region and make hospitalisation easier for young patients and their families. "With our donation, we want to help the KUNO Foundation continue its important work," says Peter Lischewski, Managing Director of Rädlinger primus line GmbH.

This year, the company celebrated a major event with its partners from all over the world. "The Primus Line Partner Days allow us to look confidently into a promising future and we want to share this with those who are our future - our children," says company owner Werner Rädlinger.

What could be more valuable than investing in a healthy and happy future for our children!

The whole Primus Line wishes you a happy Holiday Season and a successful New Year!

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