
  • Core made of seamlessly woven Kevlar® fabric. This synthetic fibre is up to ten times stronger than steel
  • The burst pressure of the flexible pipe is at least 2.5 times the allowable working pressure
  • No work with hazardous materials on site
  • Continuously monitored production process

Cost advantage

  • Installation speeds of up to 33 feet per minute
  • Up to 8200 feet per pull
  • Short downtimes thanks to quick recommissioning
  • Low pre-investment for installation companies
  • Service life of more than 50 years


  • Installation through multiple bends up to 90 degrees
  • Withstands thermal expansion of the host pipe and ground movement
  • Burst pressure rates up to 2988 psi
  • Operating pressure up to 1189 psi
  • Independet of host pipe
  • No curing, steaming, adhesion or thermal treatment of the liner after installation required
  • Almost independent of weather conditions during installation

Environmentally orientated

  • Minimum use of machinery: This can result in a significant reduction of the carbon footprint
  • Installation via small excavation pits, chambers and structures
  • Decreased impact on traffic
  • Only small construction site areas required
  • Reduction of the on-site carbon footprint by up to 90 per cent compared to dig and lay
  • We also pay attention to sustainability as a company

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